viernes, febrero 27, 2009

Yo hice el bonito flyer :D


Ella Tiene Dos Androides
Set Folk
Café 8 1/2, Ave. Monclova, al Sur de la Escuela de Idiomas
Sábado 28 de Febrero (9:30 puntual)
No Cover

martes, febrero 24, 2009


Porque hoy no sucumbí ante la compulsiva e insaciable necesidad de adquirir montones de cosas inútiles, me premié comprándome un conejito.

sábado, febrero 14, 2009

Hey, hey, hey

Para San Valentín, hice una envoltura conmemorando al So Jealous.
I know, I know, I know, I'm such a dork.

Que tengan un lindo día

miércoles, febrero 11, 2009

I'm so Paris

En respuesta a mi patético post anterior, el ex-blogger formerly known as Garbatek, se ha dado a la tarea de buscarme una BFF
Así es que quiero informarle que acepto el reto, y deseo que la suerte esté de su lado, porque sin poderes sobrenaturales, no hay modo en que pueda encontrarme una mejor amiga.
Se adjunta imágen capturada hace unos meses, en la que represento el papel de persona normal y feliz.

martes, febrero 03, 2009

I must confess, that there are days when I want to have a girlfriend so badly, but then I remember why I prefer to hang out with boys. It has always been impossible for me to have a female close friend, they just seam like aliens to me most of the time.
In twentysomething years, I have only met one girl that made me feel so comfortable, that I could actually share with her my thoughts and feelings about almost everything. And even that at that time, no one knew more about me than her, I didn't ask her to go to the movies, have a lunch, go shopping, or do any of the regular things that friends do, ever, how weird is that?
No matter how nice they are, I just can't handle having a girl best friend, it creeps me out. And the fact that I envy all of you girls for having bunch of girlfriends, creeps me out the most.